During the past 18 months, the world has felt the impact of derivatives on financial markets. Many businesses have for years used derivative contracts such as currency or interest rate swaps or forward contracts for the purchase of oil, gold, natural gas, wheat or other commodities to hedge their exposure to an unexpected rise or fall in values, interest rates or prices. However, the scope and extent of trading in derivative instruments exploded during the past 10 years, causing profound effects on the world’s financial markets.
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USA, Derivatives, Insolvency & Restructuring, Securitization & Structured Finance, Holland & Knight LLP, Bankruptcy, Debtor, Natural gas, Swap (finance), Commodity, Over-the-counter (finance), Hedge funds, Derivatives market, Bank for International Settlements, Lehman Brothers, Credit rating agency, New York Mercantile Exchange, Bear Stearns, Title 11 of the US Code, United States bankruptcy court